Where Does Children’s Good Behavior Come From?#2
This baby is fed all the time. No matter whether it’s feeding time or not, the mother or baby-sitter always bottle-feeds the baby.
Positive Thinking
คิดดี มีสุข ย่อมเป็นกำไรชีวิต อย่างน้อยก็ก่อให้เกิดอารมณ์ที่แช่มชื่น เบิกบาน มีความหวัง มีพลังในการสู้ชีวิตต่อไป
How To Build The Habits Of The Children To Be Sincere And Clever (Mai Ngo)#2
People, after they are born as humans, whether they are a child or an adult, cannot observe who is a good person and who is a bad person because they are not clever (no common sense)
The Practice of Austerities#2
Restraint of the senses is to be calm and take control over your mind and soul using your consciousness. How do you compose yourself? Let us focus on the following
How To Build The Habits Of The Children To Be Sincere And Clever (Mai Ngo)#1
All of the parents in the world want their children to be clever. The cleverer they are the more the parents will be proud of them. How to raise the children to be clever is not easy because there are different categories of cleverness
Regular Dhamma Discussions
This is a proverb the Lord Buddha taught, reflecting the precious value of wisdom. The foundation of human life is based on a great number of problems
How To Build The Habits Of The Children To Be Sincere And Clever (Mai Ngo)#3
To protect children from bad situations occurring in the family, you must train the children to be good
How To Plant Habits In Children So They Will Become Disciplined And Responsible (Mai Sab)#5
Dhamma rules are also important to childrens’ lives because it’s factor for them to judge what is good and what is bad.
Non-Recklessness in the Dhamma # 1
Non-recklessness means: being in control of oneself the whole time, no matter whether one is thinking. Speaking or acting
Meditation Experience - Kalayanamitra Caroline Fraser
Meditation Experience from Kalayanamitra Caroline Fraser who joined the 8th version of The Middle Way Basic Program from Wat Johannesburg South Africa